Monday, December 15, 2014

Roger's Year in Music 2014, No. 17: Pop Psychology, by Neon Trees.

Once Upon A Time's Josh Dallas isn't the only artist with a background in New Albany. Elaine Bradley is the drummer for Neon Trees, a band I've come to enjoy quite a lot since Richard Atnip introduced me to the music a couple of years back. Richard, you used to work for NABC and now represents New Holland Brewing Company, went to school at NAHS with both of them. 

As should be obvious from the audio selection, on which Bradley steps out from behind the drums to take a vocal turn, Neon Trees is a pop-rock group boasting tunes, hooks and a familiar verse-chorus-verse. As has been pointed out by numerous reviewers, it isn't a bad formula when you have the chops to pull it off ... and the band does. 

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