Sunday, December 28, 2014

R.I.P. Rachel Blanton.

Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.
-- Plato

My acquaintance with Rachel Blanton was only casual, although we were connected by dozens of mutual friends. As an observer, I can attest to the depth of her influence, because Rachel's presence in the local musical scene was ubiquitous to the point of otherworldly, and not only for her many listeners. Rachel was a teacher, organizer and leader, and consequently, her legacy will not soon wane.

At WUOL Classical 90.5, Michael Hill and John Austin Clark provide a compelling remembrance.

Remembering Rachel Blanton

 ... Rachel’s contributions are many and will live on in those that enjoyed performing and collaborating with her as well as those that simply enjoyed listening. The list of musicians and bands she has played with is almost as countless as the lives she has touched with her music. Many musicians are revisiting their work with Rachel and commenting on the beauty of her playing and her sweet nature, and how much that contributed to their music. It is this joy of music and spirit of collaboration and peace that she brought with her to every task that perhaps can best celebrate to her lasting memory.

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