Monday, November 17, 2014

Downtown business owners, don't forget the meeting this Thursday.

Often I've taken New Albany city officials to task for having no economic development plan for downtown. Insofar as a coherent answer has been forthcoming, it has been muddled, and I'm not misrepresenting the tone of the response by phrasing it like this:

"But there isn't anything we can do because we don't have the proper tools to do anything."

As such, logic ordains this conclusion:

If you have been unable to do anything, then you cannot take credit for what has been done.

By the way, there's a meeting this week.

Attention, downtown small business owners: Thursday, 20 November, 8:30 a.m. at The Exchange.

(While small business owners are) not officially invited, (it's) the precise reason you should attend and provide YOUR update to the city's officials. Two-way communications are only fair, right? After all, the last such meeting took place just BEFORE Harvest Homecoming. There's a lot to talk about.

Bring questions and comments, and let me know you're coming.

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