Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Taco Punk has "stuff to sell" ... and I know some of you are looking to buy.

The bad news surely is the loss of a dream, but the consoling good news is that the good concept and operational methodology remain in Gabe Sowder's head, and can be reconstituted in the future ... or not; the food business is such an unpredictable thing, and at least when the Bank Street Brewhouse kitchen was closed, we didn't have to go through the sell-off of equipment and fixtures.

I'm posting this because I know for a fact that several New Albany restaurateurs are looking for items like these. Gabe can be reached via Facebook.

Everything must go at the former Taco Punk on East Market, by David Serchuk (Insider Louisville)

It’s hard to see someone’s dream go under, but it must be even harder for that person when the process of ending the dream is prolonged. This is the situation in which the former owners of Taco Punk on East Market now find themselves. The business has closed, but they’re not quite ready to vacate the premises, because there is still so much stuff left to sell.

The former restaurant remains filled with empty tables, along with the trademark red vinyl chairs and stools that filled the space. Though they held an open-house sale earlier today, there are many items left to purchase , said Dana Andriot, wife of owner and chef Gabe Sowder.

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