Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Ooh, ooh ... Main Street also needs some gold-plated spigots for watering the flowers in the median.

As the Main Street project nears completion, we finally can see certain, er, embellishments which weren't often mentioned in the run-up to the deforestation boondoggle with 13-foot-wide traffic lanes -- like these nifty engraved sidewalk house numbers (above).

Why stop there? Here are two other affordable additions to make property values climb even further.


That view of Commodious Rex comes not from the Main Street project, but the plans for a new city hall in the Reisz Furniture Building.

Still, we're pleased as punch with these harmonious Main Street upgrades, as financed with Indiana state monies ostensibly intended for the long-term maintenance of the street, where the planner fellow lives who designed them.

As for the rest of us ... we just make do with spray paint.

Because, as Jeff reminds us: "The original, arguably more effective proposal for correcting traffic problems on Main Street was a paint-based $5,500."

Silly boy. Political paybacks aren't made with pragmatism.

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