Wednesday, October 15, 2014

New Albany's new slogan: "Truck Through City" ... Part 43: Board of Works eyes lane widths, flips coin, and voila -- a new speed limit.

Yesterday the Board of Works got serious about public safety, voting to reduce the speed limit of the area comprised by the East Main Street Improvement, Deforestation and Semi Trailer Non-Diversion Project to 25 mph.

Would you like this one, JeffG?

First the New Albany Board of Works voted to build a street designed to facilitate highway speeds. Then they voted to reduce the speed limit on that street to 25 mph. Um...

All pretense of intelligibility has been abandoned, and I know my frequent references to the ongoing disconnect are disturbing to some. But what should be disturbing is not the messenger, but this: New Albany is about to receive street grid rationalization recommendations from Jeff Speck. They cost a pretty penny, and the much ballyhooed Main Street work contradicts the theory and practice of almost all of them.

Main Streeters, you got your project, and it's the wrong one ... and meanwhile the rest of us got -- that's right.

Let's look at the parade of non-diverted trucks, shall we?

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