Sunday, September 28, 2014

Benedetti: The toe bone is NOT connected to the foot bone.

Diana Benedetti's statement does not exactly inspire confidence that she's actually read Jeff Speck's Walkable City: How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time.

A pertinent question for any council member to have asked since 2012 might have been: How does the placement of this latest public park project jibe with non-motorized means of access for those without cars, and what will it mean for the traffic flow overall?

That's right. The question was not asked.

With Speck's long-anticipated "you've got to be kidding me, New Albany" report due next month, for at least the past two months -- and maybe three -- it would be interesting to know how many elected officials and their appointees have found time to read the book since Speck came here in January. The mayor has. Who else?

Note that John "Rasputin of Redevelopment" Rosenbarger is excluded from this accounting. Using the pages of a book as toilet paper does not count ... although on second thought ...

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