Thursday, June 12, 2014

"The French are right: tear up public debt – most of it is illegitimate anyway."

I love social elites ... as long as they're properly cooked.

The French are right: tear up public debt – most of it is illegitimate anyway ... Debt audits show that austerity is politically motivated to favour social elites. Is a new working-class internationalism in the air?, by Razmig Keucheyan (Guardian)

As history has shown, France is capable of the best and the worst, and often in short periods of time.

On the day following Marine Le Pen's Front National victory in the European elections, however, France made a decisive contribution to the reinvention of a radical politics for the 21st century. On that day, the committee for a citizen's audit on the public debt issued a 30-page report on French public debt, its origins and evolution in the past decades. The report was written by a group of experts in public finances under the coordination of Michel Husson, one of France's finest critical economists. Its conclusion is straightforward: 60% of French public debt is illegitimate.

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