Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Kentucky wishes not to unduly trouble inattentive drivers.

The vigil continues. Will the Floyd County Democratic Party's convention at Applebee's with Miller Lite and Wal-Mart gift cards address genuinely local issues like these?

"The more greatly a place conforms to post war auto centric design, the more injurious it is to people."

From PPS: "Walking is Not a Crime: Questioning the Accident Axiom."

Why bicyclists almost never bitch about traffic calming.

Or do the grandees prefer their hegemony? Here's another beauty.
Right to Road Challenged in Kentucky, by Eliot Landrum (I Am Traffic)

 ... Reading the news reports, it’s clear that a reverse logic is working here. Instead of holding motorists responsible for inattentive driving, the police and county attorney are persecuting a law-abiding bicyclist.

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