Monday, June 02, 2014

Develop New Albany's "Main Street" mission now embraces "Christian growth" in addition to real estate in Timbuktu.

This is what Develop New Albany is supposed to be doing, according to its status as a Main Street organization.

Welcome to the National Main Street Center, Inc.

July 1, 2013, marked the official launch of the National Main Street Center, Inc., (NMSC), a newly formed, nonprofit subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. With leadership from a new Board of Directors and CEO, the National Main Street Center will build on its long-standing commitment to advancing the preservation-based revitalization of commercial districts throughout the country.

For the past 33 years, the Main Street Four Point Approach® has been used successfully in approximately 2,000 communities, producing $54 billion in investment, creating 450,000 jobs and resulting in the rehabilitation of more than 229,000 buildings (see more on our reinvestment statistics). Building on this successful foundation, the National Main Street Center is committed to expanding the impact of Main Street by providing a new generation of research and resources to existing Main Street programs and extending our reach to older commercial districts that are not yet part of the Main Street Network.

We invite you to explore and utilize the reorganized as a tool to support your work revitalizing our historic downtowns, cities, and neighborhood business districts.

This is what Develop New Albany was doing Sunday on Facebook.

Let's look at an excerpt from the Corporate Worship link.

Christian growth is not just something that we take away as sermon application and then work into our lives that week. As Tim Keller says, sanctification can happen “on the spot” as we sit under gospel preaching and engage in corporate worship. There are times — may God make them many — when the Holy Spirit takes the Scripture read, the prayer spoken, the chorus sung, or the truth preached and presses it right to the point of our need, and not merely informs our Christian walk, but heals us in that moment.

Granted, it is fitting and proper that this subject matter makes sense to Journey Church, from whence DNA shared the link on Fb. But this has nothing to do with Journey Church; the point is simple, and it pertains entirely to Develop New Albany, in and of itself:

What does "Christian growth" have to do with DNA as an economic development organization that (a) accepts funding from the city, and (b) supposedly operates under the aegis of the national Main Street program?

Take your time, guys. You'll need it to come up with a way of explaining this one.


  1. Looking forward to their answer which I'm sure I won't like.

  2. Looking forward to their answer which I'm sure we won't get.

  3. Looking forward in NA is not permitted.
