Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Just like ours, "The World Cup slogans are a mess."

World Cup slogans?

I had no idea, although NABC has a World Cup Trilogy coming in June.

Just imagine how some of these might slogans be translated into made-for-Dudgeon atrocities marketing atrocities; for instance, consider Australia's sloganeering translation into New Albanian:

Socceroos: hopping our way into history!

New Albany:
Come to Kangaroo

Some of the many comments are hilarious. Here's the link, followed a few other personal favorites.

Can you think of better World Cup slogans for the 32 teams? – open thread (Guardian)

The England team are not 'the heartbeat of millions', real men do not 'wear orange' and since when did 'heroes play like Greeks'? The World Cup slogans need a rewrite. Can your wit help?

A lion remains a lion

Costa Rica
My passion is football, my strength is my people, my pride is Costa Rica

Ivory Coast
Elephants charging towards Brazil!

We are one country, one nation, five stars on the heart

The past is history, the future is victory

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