Sunday, April 06, 2014

Lieberman is guided elsewhere following another disastrous FCHS campaign.

According to the News and Tribune, "The Mark Lieberman era at Floyd Central High School has come to an end after one season."

It is noted that in his one season at FCHS, Lieberman "guided" his team to a 5-18 record. I always enjoy the use of this word in such a context, given that ...

v. guid·ed, guid·ing, guides
1. To serve as a guide for; conduct.
2. To direct the course of; steer: guide a ship through a channel.
3. To exert control or influence over.
4. To supervise the training or education of.

I'd prefer writing it this way: "Lieberman presided over a 5-18 record."

Apart from the unsightly blemish on the departing coach's record, it gets even worse for hill people with this stunner:

The Highlanders have not won the Hoosier Hills Conference title and a sectional championship since 1989.

Dude: A quarter-century?

I'll freely admit to caring very little about high school sports, especially since class basketball poisoned the well, but as a product of the 1960s- and 70s-era FCHS basketball program, it gets a little embarrassing to acknowledge this Pittsburgh Pirates-level streak of futility even after the numerous valid qualifications and extenuating explanations are duly read into the historical record.

Duly read, duly noted. Back to apathy. Ciao.

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