Friday, March 14, 2014

Whither Must I Plunder (TIF)?

A Hoosier TIF-empest during the summer of 2013, in two parts. First the critique:

Heller: Indiana’s Favor-Ridden TIF Districts, by Thomas Heller (

Indiana appears unique in allowing the erosion of the TIF “Base” (one of two calculated parts of the total tax base within a district). The Base is supposed to continue producing revenues for school, libraries, cities and counties. The Base erosion occurs in a series of steps termed “neutralization,” the complexity of which acts to shield the Base erosion — and its adverse effects — from the view of legislators, journalists and the public.

In fact, a TIF district can work against a sound economic-development plan, eroding the Base and imposing tax increases beyond its boundaries. Worse, this erosion can hide a significant write-down of value on existing properties already within the district.

We can only speculate whether Heller and Maalox have feuded over adjunct beers somewhere in Columbus. Meanwhile, the backlash:

In Defense of TIF (Indiana Economic Development Association)

... A recent article by Thomas A. Heller about tax increment financing (TIF), includes many accusations, insinuations and unsubstantiated conclusions drawn from observations of TIF as purportedly used in one city.

Thanks to B for the pointer.

1 comment:

  1. I don't care if you publish this, but here:

    Thomas Heller is my biological father. He never married my mother, and he never provided any support to either of us.

    In 2009-2010 I came into first contact with him, and he was eager to meet. He actually showed up on my doorstep unannounced, traveling from Indiana on days I was working nights.

    Approximately 6-12 months after we met for the first time, he had vehement political disagreements with me about the morality and ethics of actions by Israel during 2008-2011. This played out in very violent and hateful rhetoric by Mr. Heller on Facebook, which should still be accessible.

    He is a bigoted sexist, still a bachelor, and he is very proud of failing as a Seattle official, which officials and people he considers sub-human and inferior to himself. He seems to feel the same about almost everyone he meets, including me.

    Insomuch as I know him, I do despise him, and I wish to tarnish his name and his reputation as much as is correct - what he deserves. The "little perverse corporal".
