Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"Under Stemler’s watch, GLI’s demise accelerated, apparently without the board exercising any sort of oversight."

Here's a disclaimer: I probably care more for the health and well being of AB InBev's board of directors than the institutional disposition of Greater Louisville Inc, which to me is little more than another collection of clueless suits who should be wearing striped garb and breaking rocks somewhere for the public's fun and profit, rather than pillaging for their own.

Having divulged this shocking truth, Terry Boyd's assessment of GLI's leadership void makes for unintentionally hilarious reading.

Terry Boyd: Who will lead Greater Louisville Inc.?, by Terry Boyd (Insider Louisville)

Nature abhors a vacuum, and for the moment, Louisville has a stunning leadership vacuum.

Greater Louisville Inc. president and CEO Craig Richard has been on indefinite leave for more than two weeks.

Before there was a public confirmation of his absence, our sources tell us Richard had kept a peculiarly low profile for the leader of the city’s economic development effort. In the last three years, GLI’s finances and standing have declined precipitously to the point sources tell us his successor inherits a crisis situation ...

Boyd subsequently surveys the list of possible kingpins, and provides this rollicking, all-purpose punch line:

... Kerry Stemler, the current GLI chairman. We nominate him under the Colin Powell rule of “you broke it, you own it.” Under Stemler’s watch, GLI’s demise accelerated, apparently without the board exercising any sort of oversight.

Ah, yes. The bridge giver. Is Alcatraz still accepting new clients?

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