Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Brewers of Indiana Guild legislation, today in Indianapolis.

President Clay Robinson of the Brewers of Indiana Guild provides this overview of legislative action this morning. I plan on being there, after which we'll have a regular Guild meeting. At 4:30 p.m., there'll be the Guild's annual legislative reception. Unfortunately, it would appear that the previously golden farmers market provision may be targeted for removal from the bill by lobbyists from a hostile industry, which would be a real shame. Let's hope it doesn't happen. If artisanal wineries can do it ... well, you know.

I'll be back later to report.

Two of our BIG bills are being heard in the House Public Policy Committee. The hearing is at 9:00 a.m., in House Committee Room 156B (in the State House basement). Please join us if you can. These are Senate bills that passed through the Senate and now must pass through the House in order to become law.
The committee will hear testimony and consider the bills but will hold the vote until next week. The two bills are SB 16which has several provisions that will be helpful to craft breweries, including the ability to sell carryout (cans, bottles or pre-filled growlers) at farmers markets. 
Our second bill being heard in committee tomorrow is “beer at the state fair” SB 339. There is broad support for this bill, most notably by the State Fair Commission.

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