Monday, February 10, 2014

At " Conformity, contrarianism and a craft writing symposium."

Follow the link to read the whole essay at, where my beer columns appear weekly on Monday morning. It's a high honor to be included among the beer biz luminaries at the symposium, and that's no joke. If it wasn't so damned cold, I'd consider costuming as Socrates. Perhaps a hockey jersey will do the trick.


Conformity, contrarianism and a craft writing

by Roger Baylor
In my stray jigsaw-puzzle-piece of the planet, the coming weekend is utterly devoted to the city of Lexington, Kentucky.
I never once thought I’d write that sentence, but Lexington is where my mother attended the University Of Kentucky, which is hosting an event called “Craft Writing: Beer, The Digital, and Craft Culture,” among whose participants I have been included by the symposium’s organizer, Jeff Rice.

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