Thursday, January 16, 2014

To fascist or not to fascist: Another fine day in the comments section.

NABC's web site garners few comments, with most discussions occurring elsewhere in Facebook, at Twitter, or on unguarded masonry walls.

Of course, what makes the Internetz so much fun is that enlightenment is only a click away, as was the case overnight with this observation from Ron:

Too bad you don’t know what fascism actually means. Too bad that Woody Guthrie was a self-righteous useful idiot who didn’t know what fascism was either.

His comment was appended to our explanation of These Machines Kill Fascists, and my reply is as follows:

The word fascism came to us from Italy (Mussolini), which was an ally of Germany (Nazism, Hitler); both declared war on the United States after Pearl Harbor, and Woody Guthrie supported the war effort against them. It would seem that Guthrie connected the dots quite effectively. But enough about beer.


  1. Your fan club grows amongst those known on my blog, Gawnews as "dipshits" I have a series of excellent articles called "Pride of the Dipshits" I recommend it to "Ron"

  2. Thanks for reminding me of Steve "dipshit" Stemler's abysmal non-Democrat fluff job on the HJR.

  3. I would bet that either of you would be happy to supply Ron with the space to educate us dunderheads on the what fascism "really means."
