Friday, January 03, 2014

Ron Grooms seeks input on legislative topics, just so long as it isn't about HJR-6.

There no mention of HJR-6, and that's probably because HJR-6 scares him to death. Or, maybe it has something to do with his "yes" vote back in 2011.

Back in June, Grooms indicated he'd be copping a feel.

State Sen. Ron Grooms, R-Jeffersonville, said while the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act opens up the possibility of putting a same-sex marriage ban amendment into the state’s constitution, he’s going to spend part of the summer getting a feel for what his constituents want.

Well, how was it?

To read more about the survey that does not include HJR-6, follow the link and scale the paywall if necessary, or just wait for the mailing.

GROOMS: State senator seeks input on legislative topics

During the upcoming legislative session, Indiana lawmakers will discuss and vote on many important issues affecting Indiana residents and our local communities. This includes efforts to promote job creation, improve education address health care needs and more.

Your input on these topics is vital and helps me better represent you at the Statehouse. That’s why I am sending out a survey requesting your feedback on topics that will likely come before the General Assembly this session.


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