Saturday, January 04, 2014

On Bread & Breakfast's Laura Buckingham, at Insider Louisville.

It may be easier to determine which media outlets Kevin Gibson isn't writing for, than the other way around. He is everywhere. Today at Insider Louisville, Kevin somehow manages to keep Laura Buckingham still long enough to squeeze off a photo. I wonder how he did that? Not only that, but judicial aspirant Richard Rush receives a gratis campaign plug.

Did you see that, Matt Lorch?

‘Eat all you want, New Albany:’ Bread & Breakfast’s Laura Buckingham is busy baking

Laura Buckingham flits about the kitchen so quickly and unpredictably that even she has trouble keeping track of where she is.

“Sorry,” she says to a visitor upon returning to a block of cream cheese she’s been intermittently working on. “I just lost track of time.”

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