Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Ladd files suit.

2:30 pm update: Here's the court case, on line.

The Green Mouse reports that former Urban Enterprise Association director Mike Ladd has filed suit in superior court to force the city of New Albany to enforce Ladd's employment contract. It's a story that dates back two years, to March of 2012, when the incoming Gahan administration formally annexed the formerly independent UEA, thus oddly fulfilling The Righteous Brothers' (Doug and Carl) fondest dreams of a handy ATM machine on every corner -- especially 8th and Culbertson.

Of course, this is only one side of the story. The city has 20 days to reply. Should be fun. For background, visit these pages:

Mike Ladd: 17 months to receive 2 weeks pay, and other shovel-ready Ethics Commission topics.

Tweeting the Urban Enterprise beheading, as it happened.

UEA decapitation: Different tactics, same desired outcome, and still just as wrong as before.

ON THE AVENUES: A decapitation, coming tomorrow.

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