Friday, January 31, 2014

From Lafayette IN: "Amended or not, HJR-3 needs to die."

Silent Ron Grooms keeps telling us that he has a plan ... is it HJR-3?

Lafayette's newspaper of record doesn't think much of such a plan. Maybe Silent Ron can get excused.">Editorial: Amended or not, HJR-3 needs to die, Lafayette Journal & Courier

... Forget the technicalities. Forget the lawsuits that are bound to follow. Forget the heaping insults waiting to be hurled at Indiana by those who wonder how a state is willing to plant its flag on the wrong side of history.

Singling out a population of Hoosiers in the name of defending marriage — an institution under attack from plenty of traditional forces of the heterosexual variety (affairs, divorce, indifference) — is wrong from an ethical standpoint and it’s wrong from a public policy standpoint. The meaning of anyone’s marriage vows won’t change one iota if HJR-3 dies.

HJR-3, amended or not, is simply wrong.

Pull the plug on HJR-3 now.

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