Wednesday, December 04, 2013

R.I.P. Bill Ryall.

Soon after he returned home to New Albany after his long and exemplary military career, Bill started coming into the Public House. If not for this fortunate convergence, I wouldn't have known him, and had I not known Bill Ryall, I'd have missed so damned much.

The last time I saw him was just a few weeks ago, when he joined the annual Cummins silent auction sampling group for quality time in the Red Room. It was so typical of Bill to bring me a small gift: A laminated menu from the Schlenkerla tavern in Bamberg, and two Rauchbier coasters. He always had a book to recommend, or an article to read, and on occasion, I'd get the longer-form stories about his time in Europe. He's simply irreplaceable. Sincerest condolences to his wife and family.

In Memory of William Fondren Ryall, April 25, 1940 - December 2, 2013

Former IU Southeast Tennis Coach Bill Ryall Passes Away At 73

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