Saturday, December 07, 2013

"Blurred Lines" is the worst song ever -- and an update from Noel Gallagher.

Roger's annual "year in music" column continues to take shape, and eventually will be published here in one or the other quickly forgettable formats. Until then, these are the two funniest pieces about pop music I've read in a while.

First, Rob Sheffield of Rolling Stone on the worst song of the year -- and here's the takeaway: While it's possible I may have overheard snippets of Thicke's song, I have not heard it as a whole, even once. That's because I'm quite old.

'Blurred Lines': The Worst Song of This or Any Other Year; Everything next year will just have to suck a little harder

 ... I always thought I could never hate a song more than Cat Stevens's "Wild World," and indeed, "Wild World" always sounds every bit as terrible as I remember. "I never want to see you sad, girl / Don't be a bad girl" – that has to be the worst lyric of the pre-Robin Thicke era. The way Cat hums along with the piano solo – that is some virtuoso sucking. But Robin has reached Cat's rarefied level. That's not the kind of sucking you achieve by accident. You have to earn it. And wow, Robin was willing to put in the work.

And, also in Rolling Stone, Noel Gallagher is being curmudgeonly on topics ranging from boiled eggs to dress codes at gigs.

Noel Gallagher's Epic Year-End Gripe Session: The Britpop vet praises Kanye, slams Arcade Fire and hints at new solo material in the works

Noel Gallagher did not enjoy 2013 very much. "Fucking had a shit year," says the British guitarist and songwriter, formerly of Oasis, when Rolling Stone reaches him by phone. "All I've done is sit around the house and become a fucking hypochondriac. Dog-shit year. Can't wait until it's over."

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