Saturday, November 16, 2013

Your PourGate update for Saturday, November 16: A waiting game.

The issue has not gone away -- and thanks to readers who continue to express interest in the outcome.

NABC remains willing and able to hunker in the trenches and fight the ongoing Cold War with the Floyd County Health Department, and to do so for the foreseeable future.

We merely wait for the office of the Indiana Attorney General to reach what (to us) is the inevitable conclusion that only the Indiana Alcohol & Tobacco Commission has statutory control over temporary permits for pouring beer. The ATC and the AG have talked, but state wheels can turn slowly.

No matter; it's only a question of time. Since June 14, the issue primarily has been one of hidebound bureaucratic control, and secondarily, enhanced future revenues once the precedent of control has been accepted.

We do not accept the precedent, and we'll continue to fight the health department's ham-fisted aggression. Note that the other side of the coin -- the health department's juvenile on-line defamation (photo above) -- still remains very much in play. It isn't going away any time soon, which is just fine with us ... because neither are we.

Have you spotted any adults in county government lately, or perhaps forensic traces suggesting they once existed? If so, let us (and them) know about it.

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