Sunday, November 10, 2013

Hagiography: In quintessence.

A very nice bar, and not high at all. It's the 3rd and Main in Aurora IN

Merely an observation, and no reflection on disagreements (and agreements) now floated downriver; neither of us appears to be going anywhere, and relations have been good. I'm only trying to recall a local elected official in my memory capable of inspiring sheer, pubescent swooning in the manner that Rep. Clere manages. It is a strange and periodically chilling phenomenon, and we've noted past examples in comments sections and letters to the editor. The following dichotomy is perhaps the clearest instance to date.

First, the newspaper's Chris Morris, hardly a neutral figure in such matters, and perennially prone to fawning in proximity to his elders -- except that Morris is chronologically older than Clere. Still, he manages to keep it somewhat in check.


... To Indiana State Rep. Ed Clere, a Republican, who said his party has become a stumbling block to extending health care for low-income Hoosiers.

States were given the option to expand Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act, and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence and Republican leadership decided not to do so. While most elected officials go along with their party leadership on almost every big issue, Clere stood up and called state Republicans out on this important issue.

It shows that he is standing on his own principles and is doing what he thinks is right, instead of rubber-stamping the Republican talking points.

— Chris Morris, Assistant Editor

Fair enough. The dullard Pence and Indiana's GOP leadership have been a disgrace, and I'd taken note of Rep. Clere's comment, too. I hadn't gotten around to doing anything with it, primarily because I wanted to do some further research first, and time has been elusive lately.

Fast forward a week, and then this:


... to the Cheers by Assistant Editor Chris Morris that appeared in the Nov. 2-3 News and Tribune.

We need more politicians like Ed Clere. As a matter of fact, we need more citizens like Ed Clere. As Chris stated, while most elected officials go along with their party leadership on every big issue, Ed stands on his own principles and says and does what he thinks is right. Ed uses common sense when forming and explaining his principles. What a concept. We should all learn from Ed.

I have known Ed for several years. He has always exhibited the finest qualities. First, Ed is always a gentleman, polite and courteous no matter to whom he is speaking; second, he is always fair and ready to discuss any topic, give his opinion and listen to and consider mine; third, he is always willing to volunteer his time for whatever is needed, whether it be to coach a soccer team or sell ears of corn at Harvest Homecoming; fourth, he is everywhere, whether it be at a state event in Indianapolis, a local fundraiser sponsored by philanthropic groups or at our local farmers market shopping for his family; fifth, he is an excellent role model for our youth.

The bottom line is we need more Ed Cleres in this world. So, thanks Ed, for setting the bar so high. Too bad most of us will never reach that level. I am honored to have you as a friend and will never refer to you as a politician.

— Debbie Webb, New Albany

That's just plain weird, and I'd like to add than many of us set the bar quite high -- but never so high that you can't see over it when occupying your favorite bar stool.

Some things go beyond politics, right?

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