Wednesday, November 13, 2013

As One Southern Indiana picks its nose and dithers, the Indy council thumbs its nose at HJR-6.

As the weeks pass, and One Southern Indiana remains hunkered passively in its favored trench of non-responsiveness, its plight just gets funnier and funnier.

Want proof? Try to find mention of HJR-6 anywhere at 1Si's business-casual (muted beige) web site, even at the section referred to as Live and Work: Belong.

Zilch. Nada. But hey, baby, let's talk about mobility solutions!

We're doing some networkin'!

Give us some MONEY!!

In this glaring vacuum of 1Si's typically vapid cowardice, permit me to suggest that it's time for local government resolutions to go where our self-appointed regional economic development cadre can't quite bring itself to go. If 1Si can't grasp modernity's obvious social justice issues, maybe it needs a good, healthy kick in the ass, by withholding funding until the cookie-cutter grandees get it right.

City-County Council urges Indiana lawmakers: Kill same-sex marriage ban; Resolution urging constitutional amendment's defeat passes 22-6, by Jon Murray (Indy Star)

“We want to send a loud, clear message, and that is that Indianapolis and Indiana are places that are welcoming for all to live, work, play and raise families,” council Vice President John Barth said. “Simply put, our city needs to attract and retain citizens who want to work with us to make this the best place it can be.”

An amendment banning same-sex marriages would only trammel that goal, he and other opponents say, and the council agreed 22-6.

The council and the mayor are joining an opposition that already includes the Indy Chamber, Indiana University and several smaller colleges. Eli Lilly and Co., Emmis Communications and Cummins, also oppose the amendment and have joined anti-amendment coalition Freedom Indiana.

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