Friday, October 25, 2013

Another insular Bicentennial high point manages to exclude most of city.

We decided to visit the River City Winery on Thursday evening, and following the usual Camm Trial pleasantries and analysis, became aware that yet another self-congratulatory bicentennial gathering of usual suspects was in progress. This proved to be the official unveiling of a Barney Bright sculpture, as commandeered and donated by PNC bank. The sparse crowd's remnants are depicted in this cellular photo, one that frankly captures far more than I originally intended. The looming edifice of Mount Socialist Bloc on the horizon adds perspective to a scene in which the sculpture itself is quite tiny, and many of the personages surrounding it commensurately over-inflated. Let's hope the deftly chilled rotgut champagne and daintily stacked benedictine sandwiches were tasty. The winery's pizza sure was.


Join The Arts Council of Southern Indiana and the City of New Albany in celebrating the unveiling of "Landscape", the famous artwork by renowned Louisville sculptor Barney Bright. The piece was donated by PNC and will be placed in the New Bicentennial Park.

Champagne and desserts will be provided by the Horseshoe Foundation of Floyd County.

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