Thursday, September 05, 2013

Are you ready for a Copperhead commissioner?

There's a city council meeting tonight, as moved from the Monday holiday, but council agenda items (including street department appropriations) merely pale in significance compared to the stirring announcement that Dan "Councilman Cappuccino" Coffey plans to challenge former colleague Mark Seabrook for a seat as county commissioner.

It's time to move on ... unless, of course, he loses; after all, the next city council election isn't until 2015. Will the Wizard of Westendia move up the ladder? Will Vicky Ann Denschak take her rightful spot as hag apparent? Will we make it through the day without projectile vomiting?

But seriously: When it comes to Coffey versus Seabrook, I suppose I'm a Copperhead now.

I prefer the venal over the funereal any day.

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