Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Now the Floyd County Health Department is working to keep food safe from Roger -- not E coli.

Earlier today, I posted this:

A cease and desist, a tort claim notice, and Dr. Tom at large.

It is clocking somewhere around 1,500 unique hits as of 9:45 p.m. Note that this is an all-time, one-day record for this blog.

Then, there was this:

Floyd County Health Department adds photo of handsome devil to its web site, but retains actionable photo. 

It is pushing 800 hits. The total of unique hits scattered among six postings at NAC today and one last evening is in excess of 3,500. Verily, quite a few people are reading.

We now know that at roughly 3:00 p.m. today (Tuesday, August 13), whichever web wizard is deployed by the Floyd County Health Department, and paid with ice cream from Zesto, had altered the approximate surroundings of the photographic image that prompted NABC's cease and desist demand and accompanying tort claim notice. The title and actionable photo remained, only to be removed somewhere around 9:00 p.m. tonight.

Well, that's half the cease and desist demand. We as yet await Dr. Tom's heartfelt apology. The hilarious part about it is that now, my devilishly handsome and beaded mug remains attached to the same old banner headline about food safety.

Dude, how many times does it take to get it right?

Here's how the FCHD's page looked for the past two weeks:

And here's what it is was for about six hours today:


I believe I hear pathogens dancing in the streets.

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