Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Howey, Bennett, Lysenko and Daniels.

I'll make this point a final time: Tony Bennett is one hell of a crooner, but he didn't invent the strategy of cooking the numbers to suit ideological imperatives. It isn't for nothing that I've been comparing amok Bennettism with the crazed genetics theories of Soviet half-scientist Trofim Lysenko.

Me? Hey, I never doubted that Lysenko sincerely believed it to be sheer coincidence that his genetic theories jibed with those of Joe Stalin. And the Astros are on track for a Series win next year.

Bennett's down; good riddance, except that Mitch Daniels, his enabler survives to slur Howard Zinn. That's a higher injustice, don't you think?

HOWEY: The hollow facade of Tony Bennett, by Brian Howey (N and T)

... These past eight months, after one of the most rapid rises in Indiana politics and education, we’ve watched the precipitous fall of Supt. Tony Bennett, culminating with his stunning upset loss to little-known Democrat Glenda Ritz last November, and as of Thursday, his resignation as Florida’s education superintendent.

Bennett’s ultimate Sunshine State downfall had its roots in Indiana, where emails obtained by the Associated Press’s Tom LoBianco revealed Bennett’s willingness to take liberties with the A through F numbers of Christel House, a charter school founded by Indiana philanthropist Christel DeHaan. It looked even worse when it was reported that DeHaan had contributed $130,000 to Bennett’s reelection campaign.

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