Monday, August 12, 2013

Back from the GTMW: Monday, August 12, and a stop at ZwanzigZ in Columbus IN.

The drive back from Wisconsin was uneventful. We learned long ago that Chicagoland is to be avoided, with the better route being going to Indianapolis, taking a left to Bloomington IL, then a right through the belly of Illinois, past Rockford, straight to Madison.

There was snacking along the way, bringing us to a late lunch (or early dinner) at Zwanzigz Pizza in Columbus. ZwanzigZ began brewing a few years back (sound familiar?), and while I've sampled the beers at events, I hadn't made it up for a visit.

A short review: Everyday beers are solid, and specialties sometimes quite inventive, in a good and harmonious way. The pizza is above average. Decor is sleek but comfortable, and the location is smack in the middle of a residential neighborhood. It's worth a stop if you're in Columbus.

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