Monday, July 22, 2013

You are cordially invited to NABC's Health Department appeal.

It's on Thursday; this much we know through the legal grapevine, but of course I've still not been formally notified according to the health department's own playbook, and with almost a month elapsed since my public access request of records, I've heard nothing about that minor detail from them, either. It leads me to predict that I'll be handed the results when walking into the chamber, if at all.

Let's see. Contact the public access counselor again right now, or wait until after I have a beer -- at home, where the health department can't wag its finger in the foam?


  1. It's Thursday evening, I believe. I have received no letter or call, but their lawyer deigns to speak with mine, and I await place and time details. Don't worry, I'll share.
