Saturday, July 27, 2013

Something contagious?

While unwilling to argue the specific merits of the relationship in question, I'm struck by lawyer Mosley's characterization.

Rift widens between New Albany police chief, Floyd County prosecutor; In letter, New Albany police Chief Sherri Knight changes search warrant process, by Gary Popp (N and T)

... While (David) Mosley, the Jeffersonville attorney, has more than a quarter of a century arguing litigation, he said (NAPD Chief Sherri) Knight’s current stance toward the prosecutor’s office is something he has never witnessed.

“I have never heard of that, a police department telling the prosecutor they are not going to be involved in the investigation until the conclusion,” Mosley said. “I can think of no good reason for that.”

Seems locally, there's a lot of "never heard of that" going around. Does anyone know exactly why?

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