Sunday, July 21, 2013

Egalitarianism and the art of taking a leak.

Yesterday was the occasion of the 18th Annual Indiana Microbrewers Festival in Indianapolis. It was a Brewers of Indiana Guild production, and apart from some light rain at the beginning, probably good enough overall for rock and roll and food and beer on a Saturday afternoon.

Speaking personally, I’m always grateful that so many folks enthusiastically tolerate the discomfort, crowds and expense to come celebrate better beer with us. Without these fans, it is obvious that there could be no “us” in any meaningful conceptual (or commercial) sense. At least the weather yesterday was cooler than usual for July, and the sun mostly muted.

Recuperating on Sunday morning, I began catching up on missed reading, having just returned from England on a transatlantic flight that seemed even more uncomfortable than previous trips.

Class Struggle in the Sky, by James Atlas (New York Times)

During an intercontinental flight, I notice that “on the other side of the curtain” — as the first-class and business cabins are referred to — dinners are being served on white linen tablecloths, with actual bone china. Everyone’s got their “amenities kit” — one of those little nylon bags containing slippers, an eyeshade and a toothbrush. And legroom? Tons. While our seat width contracts — on some airlines by nearly eight inches in recent years — the space up front continues to expand …

… This stark class division should come as no surprise: what’s happening in the clouds mirrors what’s happening on the ground. Statusization — to coin a useful term — is ubiquitous, no matter what your altitude. While you’re in your hospital bed spooning up red Jell-O, a patient in a private suite is enjoying strawberries and cream. On your way to a Chase A.T.M., you notice a silver plaque declaring the existence within of Private Client Services. This man has a box seat at a Yankees game; that man has a skybox …

And so on. Back in June, in a column at, I offered what (perhaps) is a heretical viewpoint with reference to beer festivals like the one yesterday. Actually, it was about the one yesterday.

A VIP and an IBU walk into a beer fest

… I’ll cite as a convenient example ticket packages available for the Brewers of Indiana Guild festival in Indianapolis on July 20, while hastening to add that this doesn’t constitute my singling out the Guild for scrutiny; after all, it’s my own trade group. In fact, I imagine BIG is coming to such strategies of ticket pricing rather late in the game.

VIP Experience: $100 (very limited, online only)
Includes early admission (2:00) and access to exclusive VIP Experience Tent (special tappings and food pairings), tasting glass and unlimited beer samples

Early Bird: $55 (limited, online only)
Includes early admission (2:00), tasting glass and unlimited beer samples

General Admission: $40 (advance purchase)
Includes tasting glass and unlimited beer samples

Yesterday I stuck religiously to the Indiana brewer side of the Opti Park fest grounds and didn’t once venture into the “guest brewer” compound, the latter financed primarily by World Class Beer, and accordingly devoted to featuring non-Indiana beers (a topic previously covered here and here).

Consequently, all I know about the VIP Experience Tent is what is noted in the above passage. I can’t tell you whether VIPs had their own port-a-lets (luxury grade or otherwise), although I was told there were plenty of portable toilets lined up on the “guest beer” side of the park, presumably owing to there being more physical space for them.

But I do know this: NABC was positioned at the very end of the misspelled and quite crowded “allee” between the museum and the river, and directly to our right were five (5) port-a-lets. The line to use them was 50 (75? 100?) deep or more for most of the afternoon, until the very end of the festival.

In my June column, I wrote this:

Back out on the pitch, those $40 beer festival ducats still comprise the bread and butter on the fest’s bottom line, and we need to see to it that these attendees are not subjected only to the mud and the blood and the (leftover) beer, while the VIPs strut the corduroyed catwalk, pinkies extended, constantly checking their iPhones to make sure the beer they’re drinking is the truly rare Rye Barrel release, and not that commoner’s Boubon Barrel version that just ANYONE can buy – and subsequently hoard.

Egalitarianism should be a craft/real/better beer ideal, but if egalitarianism even remotely was my guild’s aim yesterday, then toilet lines like the one near us obviously signify a failure that’s rather glaring. Granted, attendees who largely confined themselves to the Indiana brewery area might not have been aware of port-a-lets on the “guest” end, and yet there was ample room for more at “Allee’s” end.

By the end of the afternoon, the ATC-mandated orange fencing defining our salient was being trampled in all directions by men and women looking for secluded tree trunks and underbrush. It was disappointing, to say the least.

Note that as a director serving on the guild’s board, I’m not passing the buck. It is “our” and “we,” not “someone else,” and all of us must be honest and introspective when it comes to planning improvements for a better performance next time out.

I’m saying only this: If I’m ever asked to weigh in, I’ll be voting against a renewal of the VIP Experience. For it to exist alongside hundred-yard lines to use the port-a-let just strikes me as unconscionable.


  1. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Since it seems that World Class Beer (not Beverages) is yet again wrongly characterized I'd like to say that World Class Beer sponsors the entire festival, not simply the out of state portion.

    We are a sponsor, not an organizer. The decision to have World Class Beer in the out of state area is the Guild's, not ours.

    Bob Mack
    World Class Beer

  2. Oops -- old habits die hard. I have corrected the company name.

    I must concede that when it comes to an event called Indiana Microbrewers Festival, organizing those entities who are not Indiana "microbrewers" is a difficult task. That's why I've proposed grouping our guests by state guild.
