Friday, May 31, 2013

Nash on Lee Kelly: The voice of the Bulldogs.

In days of yore, Lee Kelly was required to begin his day at Floyd Central High School, where the radio department was an afterthought located in a tiny space, and the class was offered only during first period.

Lee would leave after class and commute back to New Albany High School during his "open" period. Given my proclivities for finding creative ways of avoiding class, there were times I didn't see very much of Lee, but nonetheless, the experience was enlightening, and the basis for a lifelong friendship.

Matt's essay is wonderful, because Lee is one of the great guys and an iconic figure in this town. I hope he enjoys retirement. Lee, if you're reading, how about that ballgame we keep talking about attending?

NASH: The voice of the Bulldogs, by Matthew Nash (N and T)

 ... The moniker “Voice of the Bulldogs” was given to the radio station many years ago. I believe that it should be permanently retired along with Mr. Kelly as a tribute to his years of service to the radio station, the school and to our community.

I wish Mr. Kelly all the best during his much deserved retirement. With his voice I am sure he could have had any job he wanted in broadcasting and made as much money as he needed. He chose to teach high school and was able to touch thousands of lives over his 40 years at WNAS New Albany. I am a better person for having him as a teacher and proud to call him a friend.

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