Thursday, May 16, 2013

Freiberger - Grooms rematch. Maybe I'll run as an independent.

The first bout was in 2010, won by Grooms to the tune of 51% - 48%.

Freiberger to run for State Senate 46 seat; Floyd commissioner likely will face incumbent Ron Grooms again (News and Tribune)

FLOYD COUNTY — Democrat Chuck Freiberger, who is in his fourth term as a Floyd County commissioner, has announced plans to run for the State Senate 46 seat in 2014. The seat is held by Republican Ron Grooms, who Tuesday announced his re-election campaign.


  1. The downside is this: If you win as an independent, Mark Seabrook won't recognize you. Wait, maybe that's the upside.

  2. Unrecognizability will be my chief platform plank.

  3. I wonder what Chuck would pay me not to run?
