Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Another example of Greg Fischer's non-existent "leadership."

Is there a civil administration in Louisville, or does the university run the city?

I can't recall a Louisville mayor so prone to charging feebly in multiple directions,  perpetually sounding those silly fox hunting bugles, all at once, without every really doing anything at all apart from prattling about the leadership he refuses to exercise.

Whether you are in favor of the NBA, against it, or have no opinion, Fischer's performance to date has been a prevaricating debacle. M*A*S*H's Frank Burns has met WKRP's Arthur Carlson, and they're conferring at a barracks with F Troop. A better example is the mayor's namesake Freddy Fischer from the British television series Pie in the Sky, but I realize this is an obscure example.

Look, just pick something and do it. Anything will suffice. Really.

Mayor Greg Fischer: ‘Who me? I NEVER pushed the NBA in Louisville’, by Terry Boyd (Insider Louisville)

The guy who’s been out front in the effort to bring the NBA to Louisville took himself out of the game, today.

No, not attorney J. Bruce Miller.

Miller is still going full speed ahead, with several prospective National Basketball Association team investors.

I’m talking about Louisville Metro Mayor Greg Fischer, who walked back – no, ran – from his previous support after Greater Louisville Inc. released the NBA market assessment it commissioned from PriceWaterhouseCoopers.


  1. Who runs Louisville? Actually, it's a joint effort between U of L and UPS.

  2. I think Greg is weighing his options, and the fact is there isn't enough support corporate or otherwise for an NBA team, so why would he side with the losing cause? Kudos to Greg for moving on to the next item instead of wasting time fighting for a team we'll never get, nor does this city need.

  3. If he's weighing his options, then that's what he should do. Running hurriedly back and forth between extremes is not "weighing" anything, is it?

    And as for it being a "losing" cause, isn't that why we play the games?

  4. I was amazed and saddened when Mayor Fischer suggested there should be a public parade and celebration for the U of L basketball team having won the championship and then U of L countermanded his suggestion with an exclusive and exclusionary "celebration".

    When a mayor can't call for a parade in his own city for national champions!

  5. U of L denied the mayor his parade precisely because he aligned himself with NBA sentiment. Evidently Fischer learned his lesson, hence the recent hamstring-bursting backpedaling. Now, if any of this actually had to do with U of L as SCHOOL, as opposed to SPORTS machine ...
