Tuesday, April 09, 2013

One blogger out, another still looking for her shadow.

Erika's on the third floor warpath in defense of Big Ed, while a grateful city celebrates three Formica-free months. To paraphrase Groucho, why don't we all wear pants for a change?

1 comment:

  1. Couple of thoughts about Erika's post,

    1. If the Mayor had went, would she be posting that "we" are paying him to be HERE, running New Albany, and not galavanting all around Indy? We've all seen her post similar things before.

    2. Like Erika, I supported the candidacy of Jeff Gahan. Like Erika, I have some concerns about his leadership as mayor. Unlike Erika, my concerns have not turned into her seemingly 100% reversal of support. Tell us why, Erika. Did you expect an appointment of some sort? Inquiring minds want to know. (I have to ask here since you don't allow comments or answer emails)
