Wednesday, April 10, 2013

North Korea and The Red Chapel.

We watched The Red Chapel in 2011, and I posted the trailer upon the death of Kim Jong-il late the same year. It's tough viewing, and for more than one reason, but provides an excellent accompaniment for essays like Amanda Beam's.

BEAM: Getting to know North Korea, by Amanda Beam (local newspaper columnist)

Take their leader Kim Jong Un, the grandson of the man who came to power in 1948. Sure, we all think we know about the little despotic leader with the chubby baby face and the equally childish attention-seeking behavior. Let’s face it. Jong Un looks more like a comic book villain that runs around with Boris and Natasha after a moose and a squirrel than the man who could start World War III.

But that’s just it. He can start World War III.

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