Monday, April 01, 2013

Let's all schedule together: Buy Local Expo, aquatics information sessions overlap.

As NAC informed you quite some time ago, there'll be a Buy Local Expo at the Calumet Club tomorrow night (Tuesday, April 2). It's a cooperative venture between New Albany First and Develop New Albany, running in tandem with DNA's monthly First Tuesday event, and it runs from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Obviously, localism is important.

So are questions and answers about public expenditures, as in the case of the city's multi-million dollar bonding plan to build an aquatics center.

So, to paraphrase Bluegill's comment earlier today at Twitter, if you're interested in supporting localism AND you'd like to ask why the aquatics center is being built sans a competitive bidding process and at three times the going rate for such facilities, these are questions you'll have to ask yourself, because Tuesday's "information" session has been scheduled for precisely the same time as the Buy Local Expo. Here is the city's Facebook announcement. Check out the graphic.

In early March, Mayor Jeff M. Gahan announced that a series of Public Information Sessions will be held regarding the outdoor aquatic center at the Camille Wright location and multi-sports facility at the Hoosier Panel location. The first Public Information Session was held at Green Valley Elementary School on Monday, March 11th.

Two more public information sessions have been scheduled for the month of April. The first will be held on Tuesday, April 2nd at Fairmont Elementary School from 6pm – 7pm in the school’s cafeteria. The next public information session is scheduled for Wednesday, April 10th at the Kathy Wilkerson Center (Griffin Street Center) from 6pm – 7pm in the gymnasium.

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