Friday, April 19, 2013

Last night amid council serenity.

The city council met last evening and spent a great deal of time talking about paving. There will be no omnibus paving bond; rather, the asphalt will be funded via the usual artful shifting around of EDIT, Riverboat and Rainy Day monies to come up with something like $2 million.

What struck me was the almost collegial tone in Dan Coffey's absence. Whether one agrees or disagrees with Coffey, his presence sucks the air from a room. Without him present, each of the remaining eight council members had more to say.  No voices were raised. A council meeting convened, and a discussion broke out. It seldom happened during the Gang of Four days.

The other shocking aspect of council meetings so far in 2013 has been the utter disappearance of the obstructionist cadre in the audience. After decades of menacingly brandishing lighter fluid and Bics at the merest insinuation of authorizing a twenty-spot for White-Out, the current council has spent close to a gazillion dollars so far this year, with perhaps one fatigued appearance by Professor Erika.  

Things are quiet. It is weird. Is it the quiet before a return to copperheadedness, or signs that the dysfunction is eroding?


  1. Agreed. Never heard, "Well, the fact of the matter is...", once during the whole evening.

    I think that I'm going to start an over/under betting pool for each meeting based on that phrase.

  2. As for the "Say No to Anything/Everything" crowd, perhaps they have been bought off. New cars, green buildings, etc.
