Friday, March 01, 2013

Those were the days: "The Mustache Gang: A Look Back at the 1970′s A’s Dynasty."

Bill Miller's blog is called The On Deck Circle: Baseball History, Commentary and Analysis, and with the major league season almost here, he looks back 40 years at THE formative sporting influence of my youth, as chronicled at NAC last summer.

ON THE AVENUES: It no longer keeps me waiting.

 ... The A’s became my team, and Reggie Jackson my favorite player. Unbeknownst to me, the A’s also were about to become quite good, winning five divisional titles in a row from 1971-1975, and three consecutive World Series crowns in 1972, 1973 and 1974. The players grew outlandish mustaches and beards during this period and wore white shoes, all of which outraged the older generation, endearing the team to me even more strongly.

Miller identifies the key players, otherwise known as my heroes of the time.

The Mustache Gang: A Look Back at the 1970′s A’s Dynasty

... Before there was Billy Beane, there was Charlie O. Finley. Before there was Josh Reddick, there was Joe Rudi. Before there was Jose Canseco, there was Reggie Jackson. Before there was Dennis Eckersley, there was Rollie Fingers. Before there were Tim Hudson, Mark Mulder and Barry Zito, there were Catfish Hunter, Kenny Holtzman and Vida Blue. And before there was Rickey Henderson, there was Billy North.

(photo credit Sports Illustrated via Miller's blog)

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