Saturday, March 30, 2013

The shocking report One Southern Indiana sought to suppress: "Nearness to Public Transportation Strengthens Home Values."

(Insert Ohio River Bridges Project joke here)

If Kerry "I Am 1Si" Stemler could hack through the cyber brush and delete this one, you bet your sweet ass he would. It rather contradicts his entire career of public disservice. Thanks to D for the link.

Study: Nearness to Public Transportation Strengthens Home Values, by Esther Cho (DS News ... "delivering stories, ideas, links, companies, people, events, and videos impacting the mortgage default servicing industry.")

“Transportation plays an important role in real estate and housing decisions, and the data suggests that residential real-estate near public transit will remain attractive to buyers going forward. A sound transportation system not only benefits individual property owners, but also creates the foundation for a community’s long-term economic well being,” said Lawrence Yun, NAR’s chief economist.

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