Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Morrison: "Understand how the East End Bridge or the downtown bridge is going to be financed? You likely don’t."

Go the Insider Louisville, read the entirety of Curt's chronicle of a fiasco, and resort to strong drink.


Shocker: Plan calls for building East End bridge,THEN figuring out how to pay for it

“So, how much is that baby gonna’ run us?” Don’t worry about … it’s public funding magic.

(Editor’s note: Terry Boyd also contributed to this post.)
If you think you know everything there is to know about the $2.6 billion bridges projects – either the East End bridge project or the downtown bridge – you don’t.
In fact, we’d go so far to bet you don’t know the half of it. (Which is not an accident.)
If you think you understand how the East End Bridge or the downtown bridge is going to be financed, you likely don’t.
If you think you understand the tolling mechanism, think again.
To tell you everything never reported in the conventional media would take a book.
So, for this post, we’re going to focus on the East End Bridge, which is being built by Indiana.
Through the magic of something called “availability payments,” the East End Bridge (Indiana’s project) is on a schedule to be essentially built before the process to finance it even begins.

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