Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Edi Rama and reform by paint: "Compromise in colors is gray."

The former mayor of Tirana (Old Albania) provides required viewing for somnolent New Albania, with tips on what we could do to improve our civic experience.

Ironically, NAC has been here before: Paint and public art as progressive ideals -- why not in New Albany?

TALKS |TEDX Edi Rama: Take back your city with paint

Make a city beautiful, curb corruption. Edi Rama took this deceptively simple path as mayor of Tirana, Albania, where he instilled pride in his citizens by transforming public spaces with colorful designs. With projects that put the people first, Rama decreased crime -- and showed his citizens they could have faith in their leaders. (Filmed at TEDxThessaloniki.)

From 2000 to 2011 Edi Rama was the mayor of Tirana, where he implemented a series of reforms to take back the city for the people.

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