Wednesday, January 16, 2013

We got your 2013 Clere Channel legislative survey, right here.

State Representative Ed Clere's 2013 Legislative Survey arrived in the mailbox just the other day. Here it is, courtesy of the web version.


Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. The questions are intended to reflect issues that may come before the legislature. The questions included should not be interpreted as a reflection of my views on the issues. Your input will help me gauge the opinions of House District 72. Please don't complete this on-line survey if you plan on returning the mailed survey.

(Editor's note: 1 - 10 are name, address, rank, serial number and the like)

11. We currently pay an Indiana gas tax of 18 cents per gallon. In 2007, that gas tax produced $570M in revenue for road funding. In 2011, it only produced $543M. Do you support increasing the gas tax as a way to generate additional revenue for road funding or should the legislature find another solution?
Increase the gas tax
Find another solution
No Opinion

12. Do you believe that a driver’s license, registration and insurance should be required of people who operate mopeds on public roadways?

13. Do you support allowing local officials to raise income taxes to fund mass transit, such as a commuter bus or light rail system?
Let local officials vote on it
Require a referendum to authorize local officials first
No Opinion

14. Do you believe that there is enough transparency with your local government and local schools?

15. Would you support allowing the sale of cold beer by retailers other than liquor stores, such as groceries and convenience marts?

16. Would you support changing Indiana law to allow the carry-out sale of alcohol on Sundays?

17. Do you think that we need to reduce sentences and/or rely more on alternative sentencing, such as home incarceration and probation, for non-violent criminal offenders due to the fact that we have limited space in our prisons?

18. Do you think schools should have the flexibility to hire professionals, such as engineers and chemists, to teach even if they did not go through the traditional teacher training as long as they demonstrate proficiency in teaching methods?

19. Early educational success can lay a strong foundation for success in the future. Last year, the legislature agreed to fund full-day kindergarten for all eligible students. Would you support a state funded preschool program for low-income families?

20. I am interested in what you have to say! Enter any comments you may have here:

1 comment:

  1. I believe that at least one question got left off.

    Should I-465 around Indianapolis be tolled?
