Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Inauguration 2: "The President liberals were waiting for is (finally) here."

Maybe, maybe not. That scratching sound you hear is coming from the heels of right-wing obstructionists, digging in.

The President liberals were waiting for is (finally) here, by Chris Cillizza (Washington Post)

... The question going forward is whether President Obama will make good on the progressive agenda he outlined today. Does he push hard on climate change or some sort of broader energy policy? Does he cut a deal with Republicans on immigration reform or go it alone believing they will follow? On guns, will he accept a smaller-bore version of the legislative proposals he outlined last week or go for the whole enchilada (or something close to it)?

Those questions are, at the moment, impossible to answer. What we do know: In his second inaugural speech, President Obama forcefully embraced the sort of progressive agenda for which liberals — and Democrats more broadly — have long pined.

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