Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How I invented the cure for cancer, and other rigorously factual digressions.

There are many reasons why downtown New Albany no longer is the "barren wasteland" referred to in the title of this Not Quite the Insider That Insider Louisville Purports To Be article, which touches on various aspects of the real story without ever wrestling any of them to the ground.

It should suffice to say that if one is seeking reasons for New Albany's revival these past few years, asking Develop New Albany to explain it is tantamount to requesting that I detail my pivotal role in making NASCAR the nation's favorite motorized spectator sport.

(To represent the great change downtown, we're shown a photo of the former Little Chef, now DP Updogs, which during the period of our civic dormancy remained open for 24 hours a day through a half-dozen presidential administrations or more, while its successor seemingly accepts customers only by appointment. Neither the image nor the metaphor I would have used, but then again, I actually know a bit about the topic.)

For another recent example of an Insider Louisville contributor making me pull out my hair, go here: Polly Wanna History Lesson?

Dan Canon on New Albany: From barren wasteland to bustling urban vibe almost overnight, by Dan Canon

Five years ago, downtown New Albany was practically a barren wasteland.

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