Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Beam: On watering holes, political dialogue and rebel rousing.

I sincerely appreciate the shout-out by the 'Bama Pop Up Coagulator's guest columnist, Amanda Beam. Thanks a bunch, Amanda; I enjoy your writing, although I hope this doesn't mean I'm compelled to carry a flintlock.

BEAM: Mourning a fallen father

Forums most likely to embrace the revolutionary spirit of our forefathers: Clark County Chatter and GAWnews. Say what you want about the hearsay being reported on either website, both provide an accessible medium for local residents to be heard. Are they biased? Yes. Gossipy? Of course. But no more than what has gone down in American politics since colonial times.

Added to this group of rebel rousers should be Roger Baylor. I’m not sure if he would like to be called a revolutionary. Although his ownership of two watering holes and the subsequent political dialogues held there does lend itself to some Revolutionary War comparisons.

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