Friday, December 14, 2012

Heavrin "leaves big shoes to fill," and Morris rushes to shine them.

Roughly what the paper's worth, too.

More of the same: Republicans gather to praise a departing "conservative Democrat" whose congenital obstinacy was to creativity what Bud Light is to pet shampoo.

Meanwhile, forever pining for the sports desk, editor Morris never once detects the irony, never asks a hard question, and never doubts his elders -- and he's regarded as the information conduit to detached, sequestered newspaper management in Jeffersonville, itself yearning for hipster redemption in The Ville.

The first paragraph alone might be the most insipid collection of words I've ever seen in this organ -- and Eddie Laduke wrote there.

Well, let's look at the bright side: Heavrin's out. Maybe the Democrats can find a Democrat next time. Insofar as the Alabama pensioners are concerned, this might just be the time to cry uncle.

Heavrin leaves big shoes to fill; Veteran Floyd County councilman’s last day in office is Dec. 31, by Chris Morris ('Bama Fluffer Digest)

NEW ALBANY — Maybe Ted Heavrin should be involved with the ongoing fiscal cliff negotiations in Washington, D.C. With his no-nonsense style and bipartisan approach, he could probably get things kick-started in our nation’s capital.

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